Days ahead of the official “Made by Google” event, a leaked promo video showing off the Google Pixel 9 Pro’s AI features has surfaced online. The video, shared by @MysteryLupin on X shows off Gemini and a couple of other camera tricks that the Pixel 9 Pro will be able to pull off.
Pixel 9 Pro
— Arsène Lupin (@MysteryLupin) August 6, 2024
The promo video starts off showcasing how you could snap a picture of ingredients in your fridge and simply ask Gemini to whip up a recipe using those ingredients. It moves on to highlighting the new Super Res Zoom Video feature. For those unaware, Pixel phones have had Super Res Zoom for images since the Pixel 3.
Super Res Zoom on Pixel phones uses a combination of hardware and software to capture multiple images at different zoom levels and exposures. These images are then combined and processed using advanced algorithms, including AI, to create a single, high-resolution image with significantly improved detail and reduced noise compared to traditional digital zoom. With the Pixel 9, Google is taking it one step further by incorporating these tricks in videos too.
The promo video also highlights a brand new “Add Me” feature coming with the Pixel 9. This feature enables you to superimpose subjects, typically people, from one photograph onto another, creating a composite picture that includes individuals who may not have been present when the original photo was taken.
Here’s how it works in practice: First, you take a photo with some people in it. Later, you can take another photo in a completely different setting or context. The “Add Me” feature then allows you to select the people from the first photo and add them into the second photo, seamlessly blending them into the new image.
This functionality can be particularly useful in situations where someone might have missed being part of a group photo. Instead of needing to reassemble the entire group and retake the picture, you can simply use the “Add Me” feature to insert the missing person into the existing photo.
Lastly, the promo video highlights Google’s commitment to 7 years of Feature Drops and also points out that the Pixel 9 Pro will be available in two sizes (standard Pro and Pro XL).
Speaking of new stuff, there’s also a brand-new Weather app set to arrive alongside Google’s upcoming flagship Pixel 9 series. With all these leaks, I wonder if Google will actually have something to surprise us with on August 13.