Google’s upcoming Pixel Watch 3 will introduce a new minimum requirement for compatible smartphones. The smartwatch will only work with Android devices running version 10 or later, marking a slight increase from the Pixel Watch 2’s Android 9 requirement.
New promotional materials that surfaced earlier this week shed light on the upcoming features of the Pixel Watch 3 series. These include enhanced fitness features, updated apps, and a refined Wear OS experience. But nestled in the fine print of these promos is a key detail: users will need a newer Android smartphone to pair with the Pixel Watch 3.
Pixel Watch 3 works with most phones running Android 10.0 or newer, and Pixel Watch 2 works with most phones running Android 9.0 or newer. Both watches require a Google Account and the Google Pixel Watch app.
While the change is unlikely to significantly impact the majority of Android users, it does exclude a small portion of the market still using older operating systems. This move aligns the Pixel Watch 3 with the general trend of tech companies phasing out support for older software versions to focus on newer features and security updates.
The Pixel Watch 3 is expected to launch with Wear OS 5, matching Samsung’s latest Galaxy Watch models. Interestingly, Samsung continues to support Android 9 on its Wear OS 5 watches, suggesting a more inclusive approach to software compatibility.
As the release date for the Pixel Watch 3 approaches, users will be eager to see what other features and improvements Google has in store for its latest wearable.