Google Translate just supercharged its capabilities with the addition of 110 new languages powered by the PaLM 2 AI language model. This massive update isn’t just about numbers; it’s about connecting people and cultures on a whole new level.

With this update, Google Pixel and other users of Google Translate can effortlessly chat with a friend in Cantonese or decipher a Manx recipe, a language once thought to be extinct. This expansion opens up a world of possibilities, bridging the gap between over 614 million speakers worldwide. With a special focus on African languages like Fon and Wolof, this update is a testament to Google’s commitment to inclusivity.

Pixel users can now explore the vibrant nuances of tonal languages like Afar or dive into the complexities of Nko, a West African language with its own unique alphabet. Even Tok Pisin, the lingua franca of Papua New Guinea, is now within reach for those eager to explore the Pacific Islands.

Google didn’t stop at just adding languages; they carefully considered the immense variations within each one. They prioritized the most common varieties, ensuring translations feel authentic and natural. PaLM 2 played a crucial role in making this possible, especially for closely related languages such as Awadhi and Marwadi, which are close to Hindi, and French creoles like Seychellois Creole and Mauritian Creole.

So, whether you’re a globetrotting adventurer or simply curious about different cultures, fire up your Pixel and give Google Translate a try. Who knows what fascinating conversations and discoveries await you in a language you never thought you’d understand.

Hillary Keverenge
2175 Posts

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