Searching for information on your mobile device should be as seamless as using a desktop. This week, Google announced five new updates to Chrome on Android and iOS designed to make mobile searches even smoother, but only four of these features are new for Pixel phone and Pixel Tablet users.

    1. Chrome Actions for local adventures

Finding and connecting with local businesses is now a snap. Picture this: you’re searching for a new restaurant to try. With Chrome Actions, you’ll see handy shortcut buttons right in your search results. Need to call for a reservation? Check. Directions to get there? Done. Want to see what other diners have to say? Easy. This feature is already live on Android and coming soon to iOS.

    2. Sleek new address bar for tablets

Chrome is getting a makeover on your Pixel Tablet, iPads and other Android tablets. The redesigned address bar takes full advantage of those larger screens and fits right in with Google’s Material You design language. Plus, the website you’re currently browsing stays visible, so you can effortlessly switch back and forth.

    3. Shortcuts that learn your habits

Chrome is getting to know you better with new shortcut suggestions. If you tend to type “schedules” to check your commute times, Chrome will start suggesting that transit site higher in your search results. It’s like having a personal assistant who knows what you need before you even ask.

    4. Stay on top of the game with sports cards

There’s something for sports fans like yours truly. Live sports cards are coming to Chrome’s Discover Feed on your New Tab page. This way, you’ll never miss a beat on your favorite teams thanks to real-time updates on game scores and stats. You can even customize the Discover Feed to follow the sports that matter most to you.

These awesome updates aren’t just for Pixel users. All Android and iOS devices using Chrome will get to enjoy these enhancements. So, whether you are team Pixel or not, this update will ensure searching with Chrome on your mobile devices is smarter and faster.

Hillary Keverenge
2175 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.