The Undead Drider, Kar’niss, is a devoted follower of the Absolute in Baldur’s Gate 3. This Drider can be found in the shadow-cursed lands in Act 2. The player can choose to either join him for a safe passage across the curse or opt to kill him along with his allies. However, there is a secret third option where players can recruit this Monstrous Drider to join their party!
Kar’niss can be turned into a pet in Baldur’s Gate 3
Kar’niss is a Drider, which is a Drow cursed by their Spider Goddess for angering her in some way. Driders are stronger and faster than normal Drow, but they are still shunned from cities due to being ‘cursed’.
Driders are very rare in the world of DnD, and the same holds true for Baldur’s Gate 3. Throughout the game, players encounter only a single Drider named Kar’niss. He is a devout follower of the Absolute and bears the responsibility of guiding other followers of the Absolute across the shadow curse.
If the player has the spider lyre in their inventory, they can use it to make Kar’niss guide them across the shadow curse. Alternatively, they can succeed in a persuasion check to convince Kar’niss to hand over his moon lantern and head into the shadow curse to sacrifice himself and his companions.
To recruit Kar’niss to follow them, the player needs to possess the ‘Control Undead’ spell from the Oath Breaker Paladin’s kit. Using this spell on Kar’niss will temporarily turn the Drider to the player’s side.
By following these steps, players can enjoy having their own pet Drider!
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