The Pixel 8 Pro boasts a unique feature: a built-in temperature sensor that transforms your phone into a contactless thermometer. While some applaud this innovation for its potential utility, others question the relevance of such a feature on a smartphone. Is this just a novelty, or does it hold genuine value for users?

The inclusion of a temperature sensor in the Pixel 8 Pro has undoubtedly added a unique dimension to the smartphone’s capabilities. Imagine checking the temperature of your baby’s bath, a sizzling pan, or even your compost bin – all with a quick tap on your phone. In theory, the temperature sensor on the Pixel 8 Pro is supposed to make these tasks effortless, eliminating the need for clunky, dedicated thermometers. But, does it?

One Pixel 8 Pro user says they might have touched the Thermometer app once since acquiring the device. Skeptics argue that the thermometer feature might be more of a gimmick than a genuinely useful tool. There are similar reports from several others with the same experience, as seen in the screen grab below from another Reddit thread questioning the essence of the feature.


Sure, some users find it to be a valuable addition, especially in situations where carrying a separate thermometer might be inconvenient. The Pixel 8 Pro’s ability to serve a dual purpose as a smartphone and a temperature-measuring tool aligns with the tech industry’s constant pursuit of multifunctionality.


While the convenience factor is undeniable, some argue that the temperature sensor lacks accuracy and broader practicality. For everyday tasks, traditional thermometers often suffice. And for critical applications like medical diagnosis, the Pixel 8 Pro thermometer isn’t intended as a replacement for certified medical equipment. This has been echoed by another Redditor, who thinks, “the only thing that will be a game changer is if it gets certified to take human temperatures and it actually is accurate.” Luckily, Google is reportedly working with the FDA to certify the Pixel 8 Pro Thermometer for human use.

No doubt the Pixel 8 Pro temperature sensor sparks mixed reactions. Some hail it as a potential game-changer for everyday convenience, while others question its long-term usefulness. Ultimately, its value depends on individual needs and usage patterns. The big question now is whether Google should maintain this feature in this year’s Pixel 9 Pro. To settle this matter, we turn to you, our readers. Cast your vote in the poll below and let us know if you believe the Pixel 9 Pro should keep the thermometer feature from the Pixel 8 Pro.

Should the Pixel 9 Pro keep the Thermometer?

  • Meh, it's a cool gimmick but not essential. (50%, 2 Votes)
  • Yes, it's a handy tool I use often. (25%, 1 Votes)
  • No, it's unnecessary. (25%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 4

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Hillary Keverenge
2122 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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