Here’s the crux of the article in video form:

Starfield players are encountering issues with the game’s broken stealth section, as the enemies possess an exceptionally keen detection ability that renders stealth impractical.

Numerous players have taken to various social media platforms to share their experiences and reports, shedding light on this problem.

starfield stealth broken

I have max sneak and supressed weapons but enemies are way better at detecting you, even from far away if you are in their line of sight. And a lot less havw thwir back turned around lol (Source)

So how is stealth implemented? I maxed out the stealth skill and it seems like the enemies can find me instantly. What gives??? (Source)

Starfield is a vast sci-fi RPG that offers players a profound space-faring experience. The game not only provides ample exploration opportunities but also incorporates deep RPG mechanics.

From character customization and a diverse array of combat styles, Starfield players have the flexibility to choose their preferred combat style, be it brute force, defensive tanking, or stealthy assassinations.

However, recent reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) suggest that the stealth aspect of the game is significantly unbalanced. As the enemies display an extraordinary awareness of their surroundings and easily detect players.

Despite being equipped with some of the game’s best stealth gear, players still find themselves easily detected by enemies.

starfield stealth broken

Why is Stealth broken in Starfield?

The primary reason behind the broken stealth system, according to player reports, appears to be the “Chameleon” trait.

This trait possesses a somewhat misleading ability, as players believe it makes them permanently “invisible” and undetectable. In reality, it only confers stealthiness when the player remains stationary.

Chameleon is a trait for one of your guns or apparel for when you stop moving you go invisible (Source)

Misunderstanding this trait has led to players not fully utilizing stealth in the game. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean the game’s balance is optimal.

The Chameleon trait is just one aspect of the stealth mechanics, and other elements of the game require substantial improvements.


Notably, the remarkable detection abilities of the enemies need reevaluation. As of now, there has been no official statement from the developers regarding this issue.

We will monitor the situation and provide updates if and when there are any further developments.

Feature image source: Bethesda

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