Here’s the crux of the article in video form:
In the world of social media, rumors and jokes often spread like wildfire, capturing the imagination of millions. Twitter, a platform known for its wit, and humor, is no stranger to these playful speculations.
Recently, a quirky rumor began circulating among Twitter users that the iconic ‘Tweet’ will be rebranded as a ‘Xeet’.
The buzz surrounding this speculation peaked when a fake screenshot of the Twitter Help Center page titled ‘How to Xeet’ started making rounds.

Will Tweet on X (formerly Twitter) be called ‘Xeet’ now?
It seems that Twitter’s Help Center had nothing to do with the creation of this prank. The modified image was entirely a fan-made joke.
But it clearly amplified the Xeet rumor, causing even more users to participate in the fun. You can check some reports below for reference:

With Twitter changing to X, I look forward to reading all of your #xeets and xeeting with the rest of you. Xeet or be xeeted
It’s called Twitter so we tweet. Now it’s called X. So now what is this called…Xeet? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
So, some Twitter users embraced the Xeet rumor enthusiastically, while others took a more skeptical approach. They are questioning the correct pronunciation of the word ‘Xeet’, of course, by mocking it.
Apparently a Tweet is now to be called a Xeet. I’m assuming Xeet is pronounced X-eet, like exit, as that’s what everyone will be doing to Twitter.
Here’s what you need to know
Despite the nature of the Xeet rumor and the user response to it, Elon Musk said that Tweets will now just be called as ‘X’s”.
Moreover, the official ‘Help Center’ page still mentions it as ‘How to Tweet’. Therefore, there’s no way Tweet has been rebranded to ‘Xeet’.

With that said, it’s important to note that such rumors and jokes like the Xeet phenomenon are an inescapable yet harmless parts of social media.
Since it’s been established that Xeet is just a rumor, you can go back to tweeting or retweeting again.
We’ll also keep tabs on the latest developments and update this article as and when something noteworthy comes up.
Note: You can also check out our dedicated Twitter section for more such stories.
Featured image source: Twitter
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