New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on February 11, 2022) follows:
Discord is a popular messaging service especially among gamers. It stands out thanks to its server system that allows you to establish separate voice and text channels.
Discord also offers some useful tools such as bots for automating tasks and embedding links from other services and social networks.
Normally Twitter posts can be embedded in Discord natively. This allows a preview of the tweet to appear in the Discord message without having to open the link.
However, some users are having problems with the Discord embeds system when sending Twitter links. Apparently the tweet preview is not loading correctly (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
Discord embeds with Twitter links not working for many
Social networks are full of reports about the problem that occurs in the Discord embeds system when trying to post Twitter links.
Apparently the behavior of the function is erratic. Sometimes it works fine while other times it just stops working, with no apparent explanation.
Twitter embeds not working on desktop or mobile
Idk if it’s just my account, but Twitter embeds from myself and from other people aren’t showing up on Discord for my mobile or desktop apps. Other embeds from links and images work. It’s just the Twitter ones that are broken.
@discord Is something wrong with Twitter embeds right now? Because I tried to link something and it would only post the link and not show the tweet at all.
not sure if discord or twitter is responsible for tweet embeds suddenly not working in discord but can they fix it pretty please
The problem in question has been affecting some users for a long time. There are reports that indicate that the glitch has been present for many months, while others even point to years.
This has been happening for months and I’ve seen no answers, discussion, etc, on it. Checking both browser, app, and mobile and Twitter video link embeds aren’t displaying properly and instead appear the way shown in the image above. Removing the ” ?s=20 ” from the link doesn’t affect the embed. This has been happening for months and I was told it’s an API issue but it’s persisted for a long time now. Thoughts?

Potential workaround to embed tweets with video
Apparently, one of the situations in which the issue is repeated the most is when the Twitter post has a video. There is a workaround that reportedly helps resolve the glitch in those cases.
The workaround is to pass the Twitter link through the ‘’ website. This is done by simply adding ‘fx’ to the beginning of the URL before posting it.

At the moment there doesn’t seem to be an official acknowledgment from Twitter about this issue. We will update this article once related updates arise.
Update 1 (September 16, 2022)
11:22 am (IST): Some users are again reporting (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) that the Twitter embeds are not working or loading for them.
Update 2 (June 22, 2023)
05:31 pm (IST): Some users are again reporting (1, 2, 3, 4) that Twitter links are not embedding on Discord.
Update 3 (July 3, 2023)
02:30 pm (IST): According to fresh reports (1, 2, 3), Discord embeds with Twitter links are again broken or not working for a section of users.
Update 4 (July 4, 2023)
04:34 pm (IST): Some users suggest that the reappearance of the issue is due to the new Twitter policy that requires you to be logged in to view tweets (1, 2).
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