Microsoft Outlook is a popular email software used by millions of people worldwide.

However, some users have recently encountered a frustrating issue when attempting to print certain tasks or contacts from the desktop version of Outlook.


Outlook for Desktop crashing when printing tasks or contacts

As per the reports, Outlook for Desktop is crashing for users when they attempt to print tasks or contacts that includes multiple pages.

The problem arises specifically when the content exceeds a single page in length, resulting in crashes or errors.

Here are some reports for reference:


Running Windows 10, Microsoft® Outlook® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2305 Build 16.0.16501.20074) 64-bit. All of a sudden, I cannot print tasks. Every task I try to print to any printer gives me the error: There is a problem with the selected printer. You might need to reinstall this printer. Try again or use another printer. All other office docs print. Any help would be appreciated! (Source)

Hi there, We have a Macbook Pro where Outlook crashes attempting to print the Calendar. Emails print fine from the App, Calendar prints fine in Outlook on-line, just crashes in the App. Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0 (Source)

It seems that when the content extends beyond a single page, the application fails to handle the printing process properly, leading to crashes or unexpected errors.

Thankfully, Microsoft is aware of this issue and they’ve confirmed that the team is currently investigating it. However, they didn’t provide any ETA for the fix.

Furthermore, there’s an official workaround provided by Microsoft support that can temporarily fix the glitch. It involves reverting to a previous build.


Rest assured, we will keep tabs on the latest developments and inform you as and when anything noteworthy comes to our notice.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Microsoft section, so be sure to follow them as well.

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Aashish Singh
502 Posts

I developed a keen interest in technology ever since my school days. And writing about it keeps me closer to this fascinating world. When I’m not working you can catch me playing video games.

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