Clash Royale, the popular mobile strategy game developed by Supercell, has recently been at the center of a storm of criticism from its player community.

The release of recent updates has sparked discontent among players, leading to a wave of uninstalls and heated discussions on various online platforms.

Clash Royale $100 cost to unlock Evolution Cards

Adding to the list is the introduction of Card Evolution. This feature allows players to unlock new powers for the cards they already own by collecting Evolution Shards.

However, players argue that the methods to obtain these shards are time-consuming and inconvenient, pushing them towards a pay-to-win model (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).

Clash Royale $100 cost to unlock Evolution Cards

To collect Evolution Shards, players have several paths available, including Pass Royale, Season Shop, Challenges, The Shop, Path of Legends, and Level-up Chests after King Level 50.

While some of these paths require hours of gameplay, players can also opt to purchase the shards directly from The Shop for a steep price of $100.

This move has left players feeling betrayed, as they expected the update to provide an exciting new gameplay experience rather than an opportunity for the developers to monetize the game further.

Players argue that the $100 price tag for a deal in The Shop is exorbitant, making the game feel like a pay-to-win experience rather than a fair and balanced competitive environment.

Wow! I wonder why they announced free trials of the new cards only after an entire day of kids seeing the $100 offer in the shop!

@ClashRoyale for my opinion with the new evaluation pack for 100$ I think you should over the price that’s way to much if u want people to buy the pack put it to like 30$ or 50$ instead of 100 (just giving advice)

One notable sentiment expressed by the disgruntled players is that Clash Royale, despite being a free-to-play mobile game, now costs as much as a AAA title.

This comparison highlights the dissonance players feel between the game’s pricing structure and its inherent value.

Several players argue that they would be willing to invest in the game if the prices were more reasonable, but the current model is alienating a significant portion of the player base.

Revert Lvl 15 Cards

In Clash Royale, card levels play a pivotal role in determining a player’s strength and effectiveness in battles. With levels ranging from 1 to 14, each upgrade fostering a sense of progression and balance.

However, the introduction of Card Level 15 has shattered this equilibrium, leaving players disgruntled and divided (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8).

Clash Royale Lvl 15

In order to advance a common card from level 13 to level 14, you will have to gather 5,000 upgrade cards and 100,000 Gold.

Given the exorbitant amount of resources required for a card upgrade to level 14, it is undoubtedly evident that reaching level 15 will be an enormous undertaking.

A key criticism surrounding Card Lvl 15 revolves around the perception of a pay-to-win dynamic. Clash Royale has always offered in-app purchases that enable players to obtain resources and enhance their card progression at a faster pace.

Nevertheless, the introduction of an even higher card level has amplified concerns that the game is increasingly favoring those who are willing to spend real money.

Revert Level 15. Stop killing the game.

@ClashRoyale @supercell Stop making clash royale a money making game only. Revert the pass and cancel level 15 now. Even content creators are against all your updates ! React please don’t make the deaf as usual

The negative reception to $100 cost to unlock Evolution Cards has had a profound impact on the Clash Royale player community.

Reports indicate a surge in uninstalls and players seeking alternatives due to their dissatisfaction with the new features.

This mass exodus of players could potentially harm the game’s long-term viability and reputation, as it creates a domino effect where remaining players also feel compelled to leave due to dwindling competition and engagement.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section so be sure to follow them as well.

Featured image source: Clash Royale.

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Karanjot Sidhu
1024 Posts

A computer science engineer who loves tech and won't stop talking about it. Here at Piunikaweb, I mostly cover Google Pixel deals and how-tos, though you may find me covering Pixel news as well sometimes. Apart from being a nerd, i love gaming and watching movies in my free time.

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