Smart homes have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering homeowners convenience, security, and control over various aspects of their living spaces.
Apple’s HomeKit is one such smart home platform that allows users to connect and control compatible smart devices through their iOS devices or Apple Watches.
HomeKit non-stop notifications
However, some HomeKit users have reported a frustrating issue where they are bombarded with notifications (1,2,3,4,5).

Users get notifications such as ‘Everyone has left the home’ or ‘someone has arrived home’ while other cases the door unlocks and locks and users keep getting ‘someone seen in the living room on living room camera’ over and over.
These notifications are meant to alert users when something happens when they are away from home but they keep getting these notifications even when they are at home.
Users have experienced similar problems with their Apple Watches, as the app wrongly assumes that wearing it indicates their departure from home.
Interestingly, this issue with HomeKit notifications is not entirely new. Users had previously reported similar problems with the iOS 16.4 version.
After updating all my devices to latest iOS and AppleTV- I’m now seeing nonstop motion alerts on my Apple TVs for my Logitech doorbell. I’ve never gotten any notifications about this in the past. And looking at the settings in home app I don’t even see a way to turn notifications for motion on or off.
Getting non stop notifications from all cameras but I have it set to just People and Animals. Certain legitimate notifications will say Person or Animal, but others just say “X has detected motion”, and reviewing the recording will show there is not anything visible that should have triggered it.
These notifications not only clutter the notification center but can also create unnecessary anxiety or confusion.
The purpose of a smart home system is to streamline and simplify everyday tasks, not burden users with a flood of redundant notifications.
Potential workaround
Fortunately, we have come across a workaround that seems to mitigate this issue. Follow these steps to disable ‘status change notifications’:
Go to accessory details
Select “status and notifications”
Then scroll to “status change notifications” and disable it.
You need to do this individually for each device as there’s no universal setting to turn this off.
That said, we’ll keep track of the HomeKit non-stop notifications issue and post an update if and when there are any further developments regarding the matter.
Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Apple Section so be sure to follow them as well.
Featured image source: Apple
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