For a long time, Discord has been the go-to spot for gamers. So it’s no wonder that Sony’s latest PS5 update, which includes Discord integration, has left players ecstatic.
Users can now accept a call on their computer or phone and then transfer it to their PS5. This approach may appear cumbersome on paper, but in reality, it is smooth.
PS4 Discord integration
But, there is one segment of the community that is upset by this decision, and that is PS4 owners (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).

The platform is available for PC, mobile, and now PS5 devices, however, there is no integration for PS4 insight. As a result, PS4 Discord users have voiced their desire for integration with their console.
If this happens, PS4 players will have the opportunity to connect to Discord servers and converse with their friends while playing games on their system.
Several third-party applications have tried to provide this feature, however, they are not official and hence unreliable.
A few believe they are being pushed to upgrade to PS5 or are gradually being fazed out by being locked out of such a popular communication app.
Ok i play on xbox series and it works just fine for me and my friends who are still on the one this is just sad on Sony’s part i might prefer xbox but this is just dumb ps4 should have discord the same as ps5 the one and the series i should be able to talk to my friends if i want
They are trying to force you to update to PS5 if you want discord chat basically unless the ps4 discord is coming at a later date??
It’s worth noting that Discord has already integrated with Xbox One, a console from the same generation. So the unavailable of it on PS4 has been puzzling for some.
Discord has not officially announced any plans to integrate with PS4 at the time of writing. However, they are well known to listen to their users’ feedback and implementing features based on their demands.
That said, we will update this story when something new comes up regarding PS4 Discord integration. So, stay tuned.
Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Apps Section so be sure to follow them as well.
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