New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on November 25, 2022) follows:
Battlefield 2042 has received a new update 3.1, which includes a new map called ‘Spearhead’, weapons named ‘Rorsch MK-4, XM8, A-91’, and a vehicle ‘EMKV90-TOR’.
Although they claimed that the game’s overall performance has improved, gamers appear to have a different opinion.
Battlefield 2042 high CPU usage
According to recent reports, many Battlefield 2042 players say that the game is causing high CPU usage on regular bases (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).

Season 3 was launched on November 22, and it has caused a highly concerning problem with CPU usage. Players have reported that their PC’s CPU consumption is consistently hitting 100%.
This is not optimal for Battlefield 2042 players since it causes the game to stutter and freeze. There is also a consistent FPS drop, making it impossible to effectively handle vehicles or fire weapons.
Prolonged usage in this situation has a detrimental long-term impact on the PC’s health because it causes overheating of the hardware.
According to players, CPU utilization was barely above 50% in the previous season but has consistently exceeded it ever since Season 3 arrived.
Ryzen 3600 at 100% usage BF 2042 is using nearly 100% of CPU while dropping to 50 fps in intensive areas in 128 players conquest.Is this normal? My GPU usage is always in the 70% – 80%. What should I do?
Hey since I updated the game Im getting 100% CPU usage in the menus, which is not normal. I know that the CPU optimization has got better but again a 100% usage in the menus is not normal. It’s also 100% in game. Something is wrong after this update. Anyone else experiencing the same?
Issue acknowledged
Battlefield support has acknowledged this issue and said that they are working on a fix. However, no ETA was shared. The same has been confirmed by EA Help.

Potential workaround
Fortunately, we have come across a few potential workarounds. The first one involves limiting your CPU processor count by creating a user.cfg file in the game’s main folder and using these commands:

Secondly, delete the cache for Battlefield 2042. You will have to repeat this process regularly:
Delete the contents of the cache folder in My Documents > Battlefield 2042 > Cache. Just do it every time the game updates. Do it even if you don’t have any issues.
If any of these workarounds helped fix the high CPU usage issue, do let us know in the comments down below.
We’ll update the article as and when something noteworthy comes up. Meanwhile, you can check out more coverage related to EA and gaming on PiunikaWeb.
Update 1 (January 26, 2023)
11:59 am (IST): Fresh reports suggest that the issue is still present. In some cases, it even started after a recent update (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
Featured image source: Battlefield 2042
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