New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on August 02, 2022) follows:
Discord is one of the most used services worldwide. The platform offers many features that facilitate communication and organization of groups.
Discord servers can be both normal chat and voice. You can also send all kinds of files during chats, and even set your own automated rules for the server.
Thanks to the many features, Discord is the favorite messaging and voice-chat app among the gaming crowd. It allows replacing low quality voice chat systems in games or even ‘add’ it to games that do not have them.
Another Discord feature is to set roles for group members. These roles can be used to grant additional benefits on the server (among other things).
But it seems that there is an issue related to Discord app roles. Currently, Discord channel mods and users are unable to sort channel members according to their assigned role.
Discord users and mods unable to sort channel members by roles
According to multiple reports, Discord users (normal and server mods) are unable to sort channel members by role. Currently the roles are always displayed out of order.
When a Discord channel mod attempts to reorder members by role, the changes don’t save and instead revert to the previous ‘out of order’ sorting.

How do you view everyone with a certain role on a discord server? For example, this person has a role named “a” and I want to view everyone with the role “a” instead of clicking on everyones profile on the server and searching for people with the role “a”. Is there any way to sort out people with a specific role?
So, i have my roles setup in a certain order. “CEO”, “COO”, “Manager”, “Employee”, “Staff Team”, Etc. But they haven’t been displayed in the proper order on my profile or anyone else’s profile since a couple Discord App Updates ago, does anyone know how to fix this?
Issue affecting multiple platforms
The bug has been around for about two weeks. Also, it doesn’t seem to be affecting a particular platform as there are similar reports from iOS, Android and web browser users.

Issue with changing role reordering
Whenever I try change the order of the roles it never saves and goes back to their original order. Why is this? (I have tried changing them on iOS and iPadOS)

Discord team working on a fix
Fortunately, the Discord team is already aware of the ‘role sorting’ bug and working on a fix, but there is no ETA yet.
Hey there! Just to give you a heads up, this issue is currently a known issue that is on our radar, and I want to reassure you that we are investigating this and working on a fix.
Please note: our support team does not have an exact ETA for when a solution will be available.
We will update this story once new details related to the matter emerge.
Update 1 (September 12, 2022)
05:09 pm (IST): Discord app has received several updates on iOS ever since this issue got acknowledged.
And while it wasn’t mentioned in any of the update changelogs, it seems that this issue has been resolved as we haven’t seen any fresh reports over the same.
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