New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on August 15, 2022) follows:
EA FIFA is currently the most popular football simulator franchise. FIFA 22 is the most recent installment in the saga, although a closed beta of FIFA 23 is now available for select players.
FIFA games have been treated as ‘game as a service’ for some time now. That is, they are constantly receiving new content in the form of challenges, players, items, events and more.
FUTTIES is one of the most anticipated events as it allows popular players with high level stats to be obtained. However, many players are currently experiencing issues with this.
More specifically, FIFA 22 is receiving only gold players from the FUTTIES Player Pick SBC Pack.
Gold players in the FIFA 22 FUTTIES Player Pick SBC Pack
According to multiple reports, the FIFA 22 Player Pick SBC Pack is awarding gold players instead of the special FUTTIES event players.
The gold cards are normal players that can be easily obtained without events in between. So, many FIFA 22 players feel like they are wasting their time by participating in FUTTIES.

Wrong players from futties batch 1/2/3
This happened to me as well I got freaking goosens my other 3 options were gold… wasted a 87 team to pack a normal gold player
Are gold players supposed to come from the new futties pack?
I just did the 1 out of 4 Futties Batch 1,2,3 players and all 4 options were gold cards. I don’t want to sound dumb but are good players in the futties pick?
Some players are even facing issues that prevent them from opening certain packs.
wrong players from new futties batch 1/2/3 player pick
Why tf did are all the player picks dropped today broken, I can’t even open my 85+ x10 because I can’t open my French campaign and my 1 of 4 batch 1/2/3 gave me a gold lenglet. Beg they actually are giving out compensation cause that’s a lot of wasted fodder I could’ve used towards one of the player Sbc’s
EA team already looking into it
EA Sports team is already aware of the issue and looking into it but there is no ETA yet. So, for now affected players can only wait for further updates on the matter.
Thanks for reaching out about that Pack issue you encountered in FIFA 22. Sounds like you got Gold Players in your FUTTIES Player Pick SBC Pack which I know must be super frustrating. To help you here I can confirm that we’re aware & we’re investigating right now -Dan
We will update this story as events unfold.
Update 1 (August 17)
04:06 pm (IST): FIFA support on Twitter had informed players that they have resolved the issue where players are getting incorrect rewards for the FUTTIES packs.
Furthermore, they also said that they’ll be working to identify players who received incorrect rewards and fix the problem completely. However, it’s been days and fresh reports (1, 2) are still coming in.
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