New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on July 14, 2022) follows:
Tired of playing all popular Battle Royale titles? If you are in the same boat as us, try Arcadegeddon. It is a third-person shooter that takes inspiration from various genres and combines them.
Arcadegeddon is a new and refreshing game having an unique art style. That said, you will immediately see that the gameplay is similar to Fortnite.
Featuring both PvE and PvP elements, Arcadegeddon lets you party up with up to three friends to either explore several types of biomes or play multiplayer and earn a name on the leaderboards.
But in the last few days, Arcadegeddon players on the PS5 are reporting that the game is crashing when trying to play Battle Mode (1,2,3,4,5).
Many are undoubtedly angry and frustrated since they have to restart the game and the mission altogether when trying to complete a mission or part of the story.
PS5 users tried resetting their console settings and reinstalling the game but they do nothing to help fix the problem. Below are a few reports from Arcadegeddon players complaining about the game crashing when playing Battle Mode.

I have been playing this game for the last couple days and the main game breaking bug I am encountering is the game crashing when the frames drop. A run can be going smooth for about an hour and some change then it just crashes.
Can you guys look into the constant crashing? Playing 4 player coop online it seems to crash consistently after loading into a boss fight or out of one. Some players’ progress doesn’t save after the crash either.
Players are seemingly angry with the developers and asking them why they released the game in the first place if it wasn’t stable.
Thankfully, Arcadegeddon developers shed some light on the issue said they are currently investigating the PS5 Battle Mode crashing issue. However, they did not share any ETA on when the game mode will be playable again.
We are aware of similar issues with other players and are looking into it, in the mean time if you shoot us a DM we will look into it.
Let us hope they quickly release a patch that resolves the problem. As always, we will be keeping an eye out on the topic and let you know once the issue is resolved so keep checking PiunikaWeb for further updates.
Update 1 (July 15)
05:35 pm (IST): Fresh reports reveal that some Arcadegeddon players on PS4 are facing the crashing issue as well (1, 2). Developers are aware and working on a fix.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Gaming section so be sure to follow them as well.
Featured image source: Sony Playstation Store
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