League of Legends (also known as ‘LoL’) is the most popular MOBA game today. Since its launch, a strong and wide community of players and fans has been built.

Due to its great popularity, League of Legends became a franchise with physical and digital products in multiple fields (toys, collectible figures, series, etc.).

That said, currently LoL players are facing a couple of challenge-related issues. First, there is an annoying ‘Challenges are here’ pop up that persistently appears when opening the League of Legends client (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Also, many players are not liking the new names of the challenges (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

League of Legends persistent ‘Challenges are here’ pop up

According to multiple reports, the LoL ‘Challenges are here’ pop up keeps appearing every time players start the client, even though they have already seen and closed it dozens of times (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).


How do I stop the “challenges are here” icon?

Every time I log in it pops up. I have clicked on it and have gone to where they are, but I thought it would have gone away by now.

How do I stop the “challenges” notification from popping up every time I open the game?

I keep seeing the “challenges” notification every time I open the game. I’ve looked at the challenges. I know that the feature is there. It just doesn’t stop. It never stops.

Is there something that I can do to stop the alert from showing up? Is there a setting that I can update?

At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be any way to stop the pop up from appearing. The issue is not exactly new, as it seems to have been going on since at least May.


There is still no official acknowledgment of this issue from the Riot Games team.

New challenges names not well received by the community

Recently, the League of Legends unique Challenges titles received a tweak by Riot Games. But the changes are not pleasing to many players who prefer to keep the classic Challenge names.


Change of unique titles from challenges

So for those who do not know yet, in todays patch (12.11), riot changed all of their unique titles to something “absolutely” basic.

A few examples of titles that have been changed drastically.

G.O.A.T. is now : Absolutely Ascendant
Top Tier is now : Absolute Master
S+ is now : Champion Ocean

This issue has been officially acknowledged by Riot Games. The fix is expected to be available in the game’s next update, which will arrive on Monday.

We’ve identified and are testing fixes for both incorrect titles as well as Challenge progress bars displaying the wrong percentage. We are targeting Monday for a deploy in order to reduce the risk of teams working the weekend.

We will update this story as events unfold.

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Jean Leon
1613 Posts

A tech enthusiast since ever. I like to always be up to date on the latest news in the industry and write about it. Twitter: @jean_ERdC

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