New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on April 28, 2022) follows:
COD: Warzone arrived in March 2020 as a battle royale game inspired by the universe of the successful Call of Duty saga.
COD: Warzone stands out among others thanks to its first-person camera and its setting with items/characters from the COD saga.
On Xbox consoles, COD: Warzone is one of the games that you can play without an Xbox Live Gold account. But, it seems that Xbox Live Silver account players are facing issues when trying to access the game.
More specifically, COD: Warzone players are unable to play if they use an Xbox Live Silver (free) account, requiring a Live Gold account (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).
COD: Warzone ‘The current profile is not allowed to play’ message on Xbox Live Silver accounts
Xbox Live Gold accounts are those that allow you to use the online mode of all Xbox games. This subscription is paid monthly, while the Xbox Live Silver account is free (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
But, even with the Xbox Live Silver account, gamers can access the free-to-play games online mode. This is the case of COD: Warzone battle royale.
However, currently, many COD: Warzone players with Xbox Live Silver accounts are unable to access the game as they only get a ‘The current profile is not allowed to play’ error message.

Xbox users – is anyone else getting “the current profile is not allowed to play” error messages? I thought this game was supposed to be free to play?
What a joke. I installed the new season and now I can’t play warzone because I don’t have Xbox gold… I canceled it this year because I literally only ever play warzone and it’s supposed to be free to play, so I threw $60 down the drain last year.
What are we doin’ here, Microsoft?
Connection Failed – Xbox Live?
Has anyone received this error messagewhen trying to access Warzone after the update? I thought Xbox Live Gold wasn’t required anymore?
Official acknowledgment, potential workaround
The game developers are already aware of the issue and are investigating. But, there are no details on an ETA for a fix yet.
❗️ We are investigating an issue where Xbox Live Silver users are unable to play Warzone.
In the meantime, there is a workaround that reportedly helps resolve the situation. Basically if you have any Xbox Live Gold account stored on the console you can play with your Xbox Live Silver account.
FWIW just confirmed the immediate “fix” is the same as before, having a profile in the console with a paid subscription.
What I do is create a new profile since those always have the option to sign up for Gamepass for $1. So I just do that and spend $1 to “fix” this problem. My usual profile is then able to get into Warzone just fine as long as the profile that has the paid subscription is “signed on”.
We will update this story once new details about the matter emerge.
Update 1 (April 30)
04:02 pm (IST): Raven software has confirmed that they have resolved the issue where players with Xbox Live Silver accounts are unable to join the game.
NOTE: You can also check the COD saga bugs/issues tracker.
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