EA FIFA is the iconic franchise of football simulators from Electronic Arts, the same developers of other sports simulators such as EA Madden and EA NFL.
FIFA 22 arrived in September 2021 as the most recent installment in the saga. It is available on the vast majority of current consoles and platforms, including mobile devices (Android and iOS).
FIFA 22 offers some game modes whose challenges are renewed from time to time. For instance, every week FIFA 22 receives the Marquee Matchups.
However, according to multiple reports, the FIFA 22 weekly Marquee Matchup and Icon SBC are currently missing or unavailable (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).
FIFA 22 Weekly Marquee Matchup is currently missing
FIFA 22 Marquee Matchups are weekly challenges inspired by real-world matchups. Typically, Marquee Matchups require completing an SBC (Squad Building Challenges) with specific players in order to gain access.
More specifically, you must build a team with players or items related to the FIFA 22 weekly Marquee Matchup in order to access. The team in question must also meet certain parameters (such as an overall squad level).
But, it seems that this week’s FIFA 22 Marquee Matchup is missing from the game, which prevents everyone from accessing and completing it.

seriously? is your whole staff on EA-ster holidays?
will there be marquee matchup, or not?
otherwise i can put the players i invested in,
into the 80+ player pick sbc, before it ends tonight .-)
thanks and keep on improvin´
There a total shambles! No marquee matchups out either! Something needs to be done if FIFA 23 is like this! Futchamps again today unplayable in UK! The game delay is shocking! Ruins the game because the players you pack are irrelevant when it’s this slow! Fraud in my opinion.
It’s worth pointing out that the FIFA 22 Marquee Matchups are available for a limited time. So many players are afraid that the efforts made before to complete them (such as spending coins on required players) will be in vain.

@EAHelp @EASPORTSFIFA @EASPORTS @EAFIFADirect marquee matchups was the last chance i had at getting lloris for my past and present and you fucked it up every week there is some bs that you don’t do your ruining fifa.
Icon SBC card unavailable too
Marquee Matchup challenges are not the only thing missing this week. Apparently the FIFA 22 Icon SBC is also not available.

An Icon SBC is a player card that represents iconic or ‘Prime’ moments from the careers of some historical players. So, they have high level stats or special features.
EA team already is aware
The EA team is already aware of the glitch and is investigating. However, there are no details yet on an ETA for a fix.
We are aware of an issue that is preventing the Marquee Matchup and ICON SBCs from appearing in-game and are actively investigating.
Please stay tuned to this thread for updates.
The EA team didn’t specify if this week’s Marquee Matchup will be extended, but we will update this story as events unfold.
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