New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on February 14, 2022) follows:
Google TV was launched in 2020 as an improvement to the previous Android TV. Both are present in many TV dongles, TV boxes and Smart TVs.
Google TV brought some important changes in the UI. The new organization of the content and menus on the screen sought to offer a more agile and better user experience.
The core of both systems is the same so they support the same apps. One of the features of Google TV is the Library tab where users can organize their favorite content.
However, some users are facing issues when trying to access their Library tab due to an ‘Unable to load library’ error message.
Google TV ‘Unable to load library’ error
The ‘Unable to load library’ error message prevents some Google TV users from accessing the content of their Library.
Loading error Unable to Load Library issue
I have a Chromecast with Google TV. It is not loading my library. It says Loading error Unable to load Library and a button to retry. Been this way since at least yesterday afternoon 01/25/2022.
I have retried, restarted, pulled plug, cleared all app cache, resetting the router. I have enough space. It won’t fix. Anyone else having this issue?
The issue seems to only affect the Google TV Library tab. The other options in the OS reportedly work correctly.
Library Tab Loading error Unable to load library
I have 2 chromecast with Google TV streaming dongles and both shows this error. If I go to the Google TV app on their itself, everything appears normally. Chatting with Google support just passed me around. I have tried restarting as well a factory reset.
Although there are very recent reports of users facing the glitch, there are also reports describing the same situation from many months ago. So it is not something exactly new.

Google TV team is already aware
A Google Product Expert confirms that the issue in question was escalated to the development team. In the meantime, you can try to access the Google TV Library using voice commands from the remote:
Hi all, i’ve shared this with the Google TV community team. That doesn’t guarantee a response but just wanted to let you know that the issue has been shared.
Workaround (thanks @Gegs):
Press the Google Assistant button on your remote control.
Say “Open Google Play Movies and TV”.
You should then be able to browse your library, but some features aren’t available.
We will update this story if new updates related to this matter arise.
Update 1 (February 18)
04:29 pm (IST): A community manager on the Google forum now says that this issue with Google TV should now be resolved and libraries should load as expected.

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