Ark: Survival Evolved is a popular adventure and survival game set in a world full of dangers, dinosaurs and other creatures that will make things difficult for the player.

There is an expansion/DLC for Ark:Survival Evolved that arrived in December of last year: ‘Lost Island’. It is completely free and came as the first community map of the game.

But, it seems that the update also brought some visual issues on consoles. Apparently, Ark: Survival Evolved Lost Island graphics are poor in many situations. Also, many textures don’t even load properly.

Ark: Survival Evolved Lost Island poor graphics on consoles

One of the visual problems reported in Ark: Survival Evolved Lost Island is general poor graphics on consoles version. Some elements in the game look unfinished, and the models suffer from a lack of detail.

The issue becomes so noticeable that some players even thought there was a problem with their copy of the game. But, it is an issue present in the game itself (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

I played on PS4, sod it because I thought the graphics were bad, then the person I sold it to claimed a refund because they thought the graphics were so bad the game was faulty. Recently played on Xbox Series X and the graphics are the same as on PS4. I don’t want to sound like graphics are so important but in Ark I noticed a lot of tree pop in, and strange water reflections.


Texture not loading or rendering issue

Related to the above, Ark: Survival Evolved Lost Island also has a texture problem. Apparently, textures do not load correctly or look very flat with a noticeable lack of detail (1, 2, 3).

This can be problematic not only visually, but can also affect gameplay. Poorly defined textures can prevent players from knowing what they are looking at at first glance.

Textures not rendering properly and mesh rising off the ground?

So after the last patch my map refuses to render correctly. Another thing going on is that the terrain textures are risen off the ground and it makes it incredibly hard to tell what surfaces you can run up or jump on. I thought it was just me but my friend I’ve been playing with is also experiencing these issues. The map not rendering makes it near impossible for us to locate each other since we can see defined landmarks or lat/lon coords.


No official acknowledgment on the matter yet

Player opinions on recent updates are a little contradictory. Some point out that the graphics and texture problems are gone.


But others claim the issues persist even after the most recent Ark: Survival Evolved Lost Island update.

Me and multiple others still have it, as well as lag spikes all over Lost Island when parts of the map load in, which didn’t happen before the latest update.

At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be an official acknowledgment from the developers on the matter. If new details emerge about it, we will update this article, so stay tuned with us.

Featured Image: Epic Games

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Jean Leon
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A tech enthusiast since ever. I like to always be up to date on the latest news in the industry and write about it. Twitter: @jean_ERdC

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