Magic: The Gathering Arena (also known as ‘MTG Arena’ or simply ‘Magic Arena’) is the digital modern version of the iconic collectible card game that was first released in the early 1990s.
MTG Arena team usually organizes weekly events called Midweek Magic. Now, the most recent event in the game (Midweek Magic Slow Start) brought an annoying problem to some players.
According to multiple reports, the player affected by the issue cannot edit or change the deck choosen on the Midweek Magic Slow Start event.
MTG Arena players can’t change/edit deck in Midweek event
Reports related to the glitch describe that there is no way to edit a deck or switch to another once the player chooses it to face the MTG Arena Midweek Magic Slow Start event (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
Swapping Decks in Midweek Magic
Is it just me, or is there no way to swap decks in this week’s midweek magic? I can click through to edit my deck and make changes that way, but can’t swap to a new deck unless I add the whole 60 to what I’ve already selected.
why can’t I change or edit my deck in this weeks Midweek Event? I even deleted the deck entirely and when I start a game it pulls up the deck I first used. I thought this was an event where the deck could be edited.
As a consequence, if the MTG Arena player chooses a weak deck or makes a mistake when choosing it, they will not be able to do anything to change it within the Midweek Magic Slow Start event.
I just came on the subreddit to ask this lol. I have about 20+ decks, and I chose the first one, which is a weaker deck, unfortunately. Now I’m stuck with it. I think I’ll try your method of conceding until I can get someone to concede on turn one lol.
Magic team is already aware
Currently, the MTG Arena team is aware of the glitch that prevents the edit/switch decks during the Midweek Magic Slow Start event. They are working on solving it, but there is no estimated arrival date for the fix.
At the moment, there doesn’t seem to be a workaround to help solve this annoying bug. So, players will be stuck with their current deck during the event until the fix is ready.
To conclude, if new developments emerge on the matter in the coming days, we will update this article with all the pertinent information.
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