Back in October of 2021, Google released the stable version of Android 12 alongside the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. They also announced Android 12L that was designed for devices with large screens.

Made specifically with foldable phones, tablets, and desktops in mind, the tech giant said Android 12L will feature improvements to System UI, compatibility support for apps, and multitasking capabilities.


Google released the Android 12 Developer Preview in October 2021 with the stable version expected sometime in March this year.

In December, users reported that the screen recording tool was not showing touches in the final video on Android 12L Beta 1 but was working when it was recording.

In case you are unaware, Android enables users to show where they are touching when recording the screen. The feature is used by many and is extensively useful if you want to show someone where to tap or make tutorials.


The issue was also reported by users on the Google bug tracker back in December.

1. Look for the screen recording quick toggle provided by the native Android framework.
2. Select the “Show touches on screen” option.
3. Start any recording with finger touches on the display.
4. Stop the recording as soon as you recorded your finger touching the display.
5. Look for the video in Google Photos or any other photo provider app.
6. Play the video.

What did you expect to happen?
I expected the touches on the display to be shown.

What actually happened?
The touches were nowhere to be found.

How often has this happened?
Every time

Back then, Google had acknowledged the issue and said that they have shared the info with the engineering team.

We have shared this with our product and engineering team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.

A few days later, Google said that the issue was fixed and will be available in a future release. As it turns out, Google has now removed the ability to show touches with the release of Android 12L Beta 2.


While it is still unclear why Google decided to remove the show touches feature from screen recording, we hope that the developers bring it back in a future release since it is used by many.

When they do, we will be updating this space to let you know so make sure you stay tuned for more information.

In the meantime, make sure to check out our dedicated Android 12 bug tracker to see which bugs and issues are currently affecting users.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Android Section so be sure to follow them as well.

Featured image source: Android

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Anurag Chawake
1373 Posts

My fascination with technology and computers goes back to the days of Windows XP. Since then, I have been tinkering with OS, mobile phones, and other things. When I am not working on anything, you will find me enjoying video games on some Discord server.

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