In the last few weeks, the popular realistic online multiplayer video game Escape from Tarkov has managed to steal the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
From hackers using the newly introduced VOIP feature to threaten them to directional audio not working, players have reported a bunch of issues in the last few weeks.
That being said, it looks like another bug has surfaced. Now many Escape from Tarkov players are reporting that whenever they go to the Flea Market to buy some items, most of them show up as ‘Out of Stock.’
While this may seem pretty normal, the number of items that show up as out of stock are filling up rows. The bug is making it hard for players to buy anything from the market.
People are requesting BattleState Games to up the number of ammo, items, and weapons available in the Flea Market so they can get their hands on them. Unsurprisingly, many players are frustrated and are wondering how to fix it.
You can see in the image below how the Escape from Tarkov Flea Market looks for some.
Why are peoples offers on the Flea Market showing as ‘Out Of Stock’ but still taking slots on the Flea? I sold an item on the Flea Market and it’s being labelled ‘Out Of Stock’ but it takes up a slot on my Flea Market offers, is this happening to anyone else?
I think the number of available units per restock for this THICC Weapon case barter should be higher @bstategames I’ve tried to buy it a couple of times now and every time the restock timer hits 00:00:00 it’s out of stock again instantly
In the meantime, a user has shared a workaround that seems to be helping with the problem. It involves setting the quantity filter to 1 so the Flea Market does not show Out of Stock items.
You can get rid of all the “Out of Stock” clutter on the flea by setting your quantity filter to 1. It is set to 0 by default, which is what causes the “Out of Stock” clutter. While the servers are very busy the OOS listings can make it very tedious to use the flea. To alleviate the problem I use this method. If you are not utilizing the filters on the flea, in general, i highly recommend you do so. You can also save your settings. This allows you to never see low durability guns and armor, remove out of stock listing, set roubles as your default currency, and more.
But with BattleState Games yet to say anything about the Escape from Tarkov Flea Market issue, it is still unclear if it is a bug or intentional behavior.
Nonetheless, we will be keeping an eye out for more information and let you know so stay tuned for updates.
Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Gaming Section so be sure to follow them as well.
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