Apple Music is one of the most cared apps that the company includes on its devices. After all, the audio quality is one of the aspects of which the company boasts the most.
As in other similar apps, Apple Music allows you to rate the music. However, it seems that the function of rating songs using Siri is not working properly on iOS 15.1.
Some Apple Music users on iOS 15.1 are unable to rate songs using Siri
Rating songs serves as a sorting method for the user’s music library. In this way, you can sort your songs according to the ones you like the most.
Apple made it easy to use this feature with support for Siri voice commands. Then, users can rate their music even without having to touch their phones. But, this is not working properly now.
Sorry if this is the wrong place–it’s not at all obvious where this question belongs.
I’ve been using my iPhone and Siri to rate the songs in my music library. For months I’ve been playing the songs with the Music app on my iPhone (started on a 6S, currently on a 13) and rating them with “Hey Siri, rate this song [###] stars”. It’s been working great, including the start of today, with Siri responding “Okay, I’ve rated it a [###] out of 5” or “Okay, I’ve rated it [###] stars”.
Some time today that stopped working. The only responses I get now are “Sorry, I can’t do that” or “Sorry, I can’t help you with that”. All other Music related commands still seem to work. I can rate the songs manually via the ••• menu.
iOS 15.1 users reportedly receive a ‘Sorry, I can’t do that’ error message while trying to do so.
It could be an unreported intended change
The problem is reportedly due to server-level changes from Apple’s side. These changes could be intentional, but this has yet to be officially confirmed.
“Something must have changed on the Siri back end. ”
I think you’re correct. I disabled the phone’s connections to wifi and cellular data and it failed with “To do that, you need to be online”. So the app is trying to make it happen at the phone level, but can’t because something isn’t working at the server level.

A workaround to mitigate the problem
While waiting for an official response from Apple, there is a workaround that can mitigate the issue. Basically, it consists of using a combination of the playlists, shortcuts, and the action configuration:
Shortcuts can be used as a temporary measure:
Create five playlists and five shortcuts, name them from “rating one” to “rating five” and configure the action:
Get current song -> Add current song to variable -> Add variable to similar playlist.
On the way, order: “Hey Siri, rating three”, and in the evening manually set ratings in the resulting playlists.
As of today, there is no official statement from Apple in this regard. Therefore, it is not known if it is an intentional change or if it is a Siri’s bug.
So, it only remains to wait for any new development to emerge in this regard. If it happens, we will update this article. You can also check the bug/issues tracker dedicated to iOS 15.
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