iOS 15.2 beta 3 has been available for a couple of weeks now. Thanks to this, some users of compatible Apple devices have been able to test the improvements that the update will bring.
However, it seems that there are also some bugs that need to be fixed. According to iPhone 13 series users reports on iOS 15.2 beta 3, auto brightness feature is broken.
iPhone 13 auto brightness not working properly on iOS 15.2 beta 3
Multiple reports from iOS 15.2 beta users point out that the latest beta 3 ‘broke’ the automatic brightness system on their devices.
Basically, the auto brightness on iPhone 13 series is always at a minimum level. This is so regardless of ambient light levels.
In some cases, when unlocking the phone, the screen brightness always starts at the lowest level, but later it begins to adjust to the ambient light.
Ambient light sensor reportedly broken after the update
Apparently the cause of the problem reportedly is that 15.2 beta 3 misadjusted the ambient light sensor calibration on the iPhone 13. One of the affected users describes it as follows:
Covering the AL sensor it doesn’t dim at all.
If I completely lower my brightness and then disable/re-enable auto brightness it will automatically adjust back to its previous brightness setting (currently in a bright room).
If I do the same process as above, but with the AL sensor covered with a post it note, it will return to its previous brightness level, despite the AL sensor being covered.
Seems broken for me. 13 Pro
Therefore, the ambient light sensors of the iPhone 13 series of phones are not working properly after updating to the latest beta of iOS 15.2.
The possible cause of the problem
Some users suspect that the issue could have been derived from the modification of the code that disables FaceID on devices whose screen is replaced by a technical service outside of Apple.
Recently, Apple modified its repair policies. Now, users will be able to purchase official parts on their own in order to repair their devices.
I imagine this is because they were tweaking the code related to the special chip that disables FaceID for a non-Apple screen replacement on 13 series phones. Wishing they would release an updated beta for 13 series phones but I bet we are going to have to wait for the next scheduled beta release.
But, it has yet to be confirmed that there is a correlation between the new policy and the problem with the AL sensor.
The fix will arrive in a next update
Thanks to multiple reports, Apple developers identified the issue. The fix will arrive in a future update, but it is not known if it will be in the next.
If there is any new development in this regard, we will update this article. Finally, you can take a look at the issues/bugs tracker dedicated to iOS 15 and the one dedicated to the iPhone 13 series.
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