New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on October 7, 2021) follows:

The first few weeks and months that follow each and every major OS release are usually a busy time for developers. And as you guessed, iOS 15 is no exception.

Apple started rolling out the stable iOS 15 update a couple or so weeks ago. Typically, such major updates often tag along a bunch of bugs and issues owing to the massive changes under the hood.


Naturally, you’d expect such issues to be ironed out in subsequent updates. And indeed, Apple was quick to push an incremental update to iOS 15.0.1.

As part of this update, Apple addressed the issue with inability to unlock some iPhones using the Apple Watch when wearing a mask. In these crazy times of COVID-19, this was a much-needed fix.

The update to iOS 15.0.1 also got rid of the “Storage almost full” error message, camera issues when switching between lenses, and generally the OS feels much smoother than its immediate predecessor.


But it’s not just Apple developers that are having a busy first few weeks now that iOS 15 is here. This also applies to developers of apps that run on iPhones.

Sure, the developer preview stage is meant for developers to prepare their apps to work on the new OS ahead of the stable release. This has been going on since iOS 15 hit the beta channels months ago.

However, software is still software. And bugs are inevitable even in the most stable versions of any application. This is what users of Apollo for Reddit are having to deal with since switching to the new OS.

According to reports from those affected, it looks like developers behind the Apollo for Reddit app have some unfinished business to attend to regarding iOS 15 compatibility.


When switching between dark and light mode, it seems the app doesn’t fully respect the transition and instead traces of the previous mode are left behind following the switch.

In short, Apollo for Reddit isn’t playing nicely with iOS 15 when switching between light and dark mode, where certain views may at times fail to register the memo to switch and instead retain the wrong color.

Following the receipt of a few reports for this issue, the app developer took to Reddit to try gather more evidence. And indeed, the thread has received quite the attention from equally affected users of the app.


I definitely noticed this, too. In most cases, re-launching the app solved the issue for me. Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce it consistently but I hope that others can.

Yes it’s been happening to me daily. One way I noticed that you can reproduce it consistently is by using the timed auto theme switcher from iOS. In my case, it is set to be on light theme from 08:00 to 19:00, and then dark theme from 19:00 onwards to 08:00 again.

If I’m using Apollo before the theme auto changes, and the app is still on the ram (meaning that when I open it again it will remember what I was last doing), the first time I open it after the theme is changed the colors will be mismatched, happens every time. Then, after that, sometimes the app sorts itself, and some other times I need to force close and open it again.

As seen from the screengrab above, the app developer is still digging further into this issue. But since it’s already known to them, Apollo for Reddit users can rest assured the dark and light mode issue on iOS 15 will get fixed.

As for when, your guess is as good as ours. But as usual, we’ll be keeping an eye on this and let you know when the bug gets a proper fix.

Update 1 (October 21)

Apollo has released an update that fixes issues with light and dark mode.

Also fixes some issues around theming, specifically the search bar could occasionally look weird against the top navigation bar. Further, there were reports of Apollo occasionally not properly switching between light and dark modes, that should be fixed too.

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Hillary Keverenge
2241 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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