Apex Legends is yet another battle royal FPS video game and a stiff competitor to popular games like PUBG, Call of Duty (COD), and Free Fire. It is developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts (EA).

Apex Legends is a multiplayer free-to-play game available on different gaming platforms such as Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Android, Windows, and iOS.

In the game, ‘legends’ need to play in squads of three and there are 20 such squads in a single game. You can earn Apex Coins by leveling up in the game and use them to buy stuff like skins, weapons, etc.


You can also buy Apex Coins if you fall short when purchasing Apex packs. However, some players are reporting an issue while making purchases for Azure Glaze Bonus Bundle.

As per reports (1, 2, 3), players who got the banner after leveling up in-game are not able to unlock the Azure Glaze Bundle skin.


So I was playing apex legends then I went to the shop to see what was there then I saw the azure glaze bonus bundle I was going to get it then it said core Item already owned? All I own is the banner and that’s it why is it saying I can’t unlock it (Source)

is anyone else not able to get the azure glaze bundle for crypto? cause i have the banner from it from a pack i got from leveling up and now i can’t get the bundle and i just want the skin. (Source)

Being locked out of buying a new bundle is likely because of a new rule introduced in Apex Legends that does not allow players to buy a bundle if they already own a core item in it.

So, this might be the reason gamers are unable to buy Azure Glaze Bonus Bundle Skin in the game.

Meanwhile, it is good to see that EA support has responded to this issue and assured its players that they are aware of such a bug where gamers can’t purchase bundle skin.


Moreover, support team is currently investigating Apex Legends Azure Glaze skin issue and players can check the live status here.

We hope that this annoying problem gets fixed as soon as possible and gamers can once again be able to buy their favorite skins as usual.

That said, we will keep an eye on the further development of this Apex Legends Azure Glaze skin issue and update you as and when anything new comes to our notice.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated gaming section, so make sure to follow them as well.

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