Developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts, Apex Legends is one of the popular battle royale FPS video game. It is available on several platforms including Windows, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox.

The Apex Legends involves squads of three players and each individual game has 20 such squads who fight against each other. It is similar to the other famous battle royale games such as PUB-G and Call of Duty (COD).

The video game was working fine until recently, wherein some players began encounter issues while entering into the game. As per the reports, the game freezes on the ‘Loading and Compiling Shaders’ window.


When the players try to enter the game, it gets stuck while loading. It takes a minimum of 5 minutes to load, however, in the worst case scenario, the loading time may extend to even 30 minutes, which is quite insane.


Sometimes when I open Apex on my PC it requires me to load the shaders for the game. This always takes 15+ minutes and its super annoying. If the game doesn’t load and compile the shaders my teammates and I pre load forever and we are forced to restart the game, and that’s when the shaders get loaded. Anyone know the reason why this happens? (Source)

Game freezes up and i have to restart apex, my brother is already back in our game but i have to load and compile shaders before I re-join the match (Source)

This bug is pretty annoying and looking at the multiple reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), this seems a widespread issue.

These sudden software glitches can be frustrating and can completely disrupt the gameplay experience. Fortunately, the EA team is aware of this issue and it is currently under investigation.

In response to the Apex Legends’ loading issue, one of the EA team members stated that the it is looking for a fix that will arrive as soon as possible.

They have also provided temporary workarounds that may get back to the game.

Temporary workarounds includes:

– Install latest drivers

– Disable Shader Cache in the NVidia control panel > Hit Apply

– Enable Shader Cache > Hit Apply

– Restart the computer


Needless to say, if the problem isn’t addressed even after trying these above-mentioned workarounds, then you’ll have to wait for the officials to fix this.

We hope that this annoying Apex legends’ loading and compiling error gets sorted out soon and the players get to play the video game uninterruptedly.

That said, we will keep you informed on the further development of this story. In the meantime, you can also check the latest insights on games in our dedicated gaming section.

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