Out of the many issues that Call of Duty Warzone has long been facing, visibility and clarity remain one that makes the gameplay most annoying.
There’s no exact date known on when this issue began but what’s certain is that it has long been there without any significant progress on the matter.
Although users are helping each other out by sharing the best graphics setting to have maximum visibility, this requires more than that.
There still are reports from Warzone players who are hit by the visibility and clarity issue in the game. Check out what they have been reporting.
Are they even gonna happen? What about that patch addressing sun blinding you completely? Any visibility upgrades?
People blending in with the background, etc.

Not just one but there are multiple instances of weird lighting issues in the graphics, making it terrible gameplay for players.
These graphic distortions, lights flooding, and similar situations aren’t restricted to only a few platforms but have been witnessed on both PC and gaming consoles.
Visibility and clarity issues are more prominent in Gulag and no combination of settings have so far been of any help.
Although one of the game developers, back in May, said he will try to make some changes to the lens flare but it is not in his power to tweak the entire brightness block.

The feedback needs to be sent to Raven Software if a fix is expected. This requires the delicate handling of brightness.
It has since been a couple of weeks but no update or patch rolled out to address this. Raven Software is yet to acknowledge the issue and take it forward.
That said, we will keep tracking this issue and update it as soon as we have something worth highlighting.
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