HBO Max subscribers were having a tough time with the Apple TV app after a recent update. The said HBO Max tvOS app update brought a lot issues.

The update dropped support for the Apple TV native player which might have also been the reason behind the issues.

(Source 1, 2, 3)

However, the video on demand service provider soon acknowledged most reports about the native player issue that came along with the tvOS app update.

Now, it seems that the HBO Max app for Apple TV has been improved in the way that it once again uses the tvOS native player.

This info comes from Twitter where an affected user has tweeted about the native player support returning to the Apple TV app.


While the issue was indeed acknowledged and worked upon, the native player support returning so soon comes as a surprise for users.

It seems the native player support for the tvOS app has been enabled via a new update, according to the HBO Max Help Twitter handle.

However, the App Store page for the HBO Max app does not outline any new updates after June 5.


So, if you were also affected by the said issue and are now able to use the native player with the tvOS app, feel free to let us know by dropping a comment below.

Apart from that, the issues where iOS users were unable to use the fast forward/rewind controls and scrubbing in the HBO Max app are also being looked into.

It is good to see that the video on demand service provider is working to fix the issues cause by the latest app update.


Hopefully, HBO Max soon fixes all the said issues so that subscribers can use the app without any hassle.

That said, we will report back with more details as and when new information becomes available so stay tuned.

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Deveshwar Bhardwaj
901 Posts

I'm a techy who is particularly fond of Android smartphones. A writer who usually finds himself on the other side of the spectrum. An artist who likes to sing and play the guitar. Also a photographer when in the mood.

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