The popular single-board computer series, Raspberry Pi, has been around for quite some time.
While a lot of people use Raspberry Pi for various purposes, it is often used as a central hub for home automation systems.

Home Assistant is one of most popular open-source software for home automation and it can be installed on the Raspberry Pi boards.
However, the official Raspberry Pi installer did not have the option for the said software until pretty recently.
Now, users can easily install Home Assistant as the option to do so has been added in the official Raspberry Pi installer.

The information comes from the official Home Assistant Twitter handle and is definitely good news for users.
Those who are into home automation no longer have to go through the whole Balena Eatcher process to set up Home Assistant.
This is certainly a big improvement for Raspberry Pi users as they can finally set up their favorite home automation software without any hassle.

Home Assistant has been around since 2013 and once set up, it can be accessed via iOS and Android companion apps, via Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant (voice commands), or via a web UI.
It basically acts as a central control system in a home automation setup and focuses on privacy and local control.
While Home Assistant previously required some additional steps to be set up on a Raspi, its addition to the official installer has simplified things.
So, if you are into home automation and want to set up the said software, be sure to check out the new Raspberry Pi Imager to do so.
That said, we will be back with more such stories as and when new information becomes available so stay tuned.
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