YouTube is still the go-to video sharing platform for many creators despite the emergence of new players such as the popular TikTok from China.

With billions of users across the globe, YouTube devs must always be at their best to avoid any potential downtimes and other related issues. But with software, nothing is ever assured.


Not even Google, which is a renowned software company, is always able to maintain a steady ship with its apps and services. And it appears that YouTube is the latest victim.

Reports doing rounds on the web do imply that quite a good number of YouTube creators are not having the best moments sharing their content on the app.

Apparently, some say the YouTube Community tab is not enabled for them despite hitting the minimum requirement of 1,000 subscribers.


Hello team youtube my channel surpassed 1k subscribers but community tab is not enabled .please Enable community tab feature in my channel quickly as well as possible.

Hello! Team Youtube My Channel (Temple Gamer) Surpassed 1k subs last Week But My Channel’s Community Tab is Not Enabled Please Do Enable Community Tab Quickly As Soon as Possible

The Community Tab feature lets YouTube creators interact with their viewers beyond the videos published on the platform. As noted, the feature gets enabled automatically once a channel crosses 1K subscribers.

The fact that the feature has not been enabled for some creators despite crossing this mark is the cause of the outrage. But YouTube support notes that it could take a week or so before this feature shows up.


Support further notes that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be another reason for the delay.

Due to the pandemic and various stay at home policies, any time frame mentioned on Official Help Pages should be ignored, as it can now take a week or more for a feature (such as Live Stream or Community Tab} to be enabled by YouTube after the requirements are met**. Things will happen as they should but at a MUCH slower pace than before- and no, there is no way to speed things up – Just be patient. Thanks.

While the reasons above are all valid, it appears that the surge in the number of affected users has pushed YouTube into further action. As per a recent statement on Twitter, the company is looking into this issue.


As you wait for team YouTube to provide an official solution, you may also try this:

If your channel is eligible for the Community tab, but you don’t see it on your channel, enable custom channel layouts. You can change this setting from your computer by following these instructions. The custom layout must be enabled for the Community tab to be visible.

We will keep an eye on this and let you know when the issue is addressed. Meanwhile, check out our YouTube bugs and issues tracker for related coverage.

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Hillary Keverenge
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Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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