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Original story (published on January 21, 2021) follows:

Gmail users have had to put up with delayed notifications for quite a while now. The Android app simply fails to push notifications out at the right time and instead holds them back for up to an hour or so.

This is despite giving the app all the right permissions.

All this is highly inconvenient especially for the ones who are dependent on Gmail for work-related matters. In such a scenario, getting notified of new mails is simply crucial.


Not receiving new notifications in gmail. I have tried checking to see if notifications is on. I have tried turning syncing on and off a few times.

We even highlighted this issue over a year ago and it’s sad to see that the issue has still not been even addressed by Google.

The previous article did mention though that the issue has an easy workaround – disabling doze mode. In case you are unaware of what that is, it’s a method used by the Android system to conserve battery.

This is done by restricting certain apps’ access to network and CPU-intensive services. Hence, it could be quite possible that your phone is restricting Gmail’s functionality due to the imposition of such restrictions.


So, how do you disable doze mode? Well, it is fairly simple. Just head over to the Gmail app info page, open its battery settings followed by “Battery optimization”. Next, search for Gmail, select it, and hit “Don’t optimize”.

This will allow the app to run sans restrictions. Keep in mind though that this may negatively impact your battery life and may not even necessarily work for you. But it’s still definitely worth a shot.

Missing emails issue on Gmail

The above isn’t all though as there are plenty of other users that have reported that they do not receive emails at all. This is despite having ample storage.


Moreover, it was observed that most of such complainants were actually G Suite/Google Workspace users.

Therefore, the problem isn’t due to storage issues. Rather, as per comments left by Product Expert on the Gmail forums, it is actually related to G Suite MX records. This should be configured properly to direct incoming mails.

If you are using G Suite, you will need to update your domain MX records to G Suite.

For more info regarding this, please visit these two official support articles: 1, 2.

Apart from this, the missing emails issue on Gmail could also be related to DNS. In this case, you will need to contact your DNS/Web host for further assistance.

It is worth mentioning here that the Product Expert had recently admitted that there was an issue with Gmail missing emails, but it was limited to regular users only.

In fact, this issue was allegedly fixed, but reports of users missing emails still persist over a month later.

There was an issue with Gmail earlier. It should have been resolved. If you still experiencing the issue, try to wait for few hours.


That said, we are still hopeful that Google will provide a permanent fix for both of the above bugs soon.

Update 1 (August 23)

As per multiple newer complaints [1, 2, 3], little to no progress seems to have been made on the matter, and both the missing emails and notifications delay issues on Gmail have still not been rectified.

Update 2 (September 01)

According to a recent comment from the Platinum Product Expert on the Google support community, apart from correcting the MX records, individuals facing the issue should also check their inbox for filters that may be affecting incoming messages.

Further, they are advised to check their Admin console for advanced routing settings that may affect incoming emails.

NOTE: Stay tuned to our Google and Gmail sections for an update on this story and other related coverage.

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Zohaib Ahmed
824 Posts

Simply love being surrounded by technology as it's a constant reminder of how far humans have advanced as a race. Every new development feels exciting, which I convey to others through writing. And after a day's work, gaming just feels therapeutic.

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