New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….
Original story (published on December 05, 2020) follows:
The iOS 14.2 update appears to have broken the contact groups feature in the default Apple Mail app. While the groups do show up for users upon trying to send a mail, they are devoid of any members.
And a result, several users have taken to the official Apple forums complaining about the inconvenience.

I have a few groups set up in Contacts on my iOS device running iOS 14. when I try to send an email to a group, I get a message that says that the group has no members. But it manifestly does have members. What’s up?
And no, the groups haven’t been wiped clean or anything. It’s just that the contacts under them fail to show up. This can be backed by the fact that users are still able to access their groups on Macs.
The story is different on iPads and iPhones though, as groups appear blank. And as already stated above, the “No members” in contact groups issue has only begun with the onset of the iOS and iPadOS 14.2 update.
Now, Apple did release iOS 14.2.1 around a month after the first reports of the bug begun to trickle in, but there’s no mention of any fix in the update’s release notes, and users say they have continued to face the problem.

However, it does appear that the company is aware of the issue and is allegedly even working on a fix, at least if we are to go by this user’s comment:
I have spent the last four hours with three levels of Apple support to open a Bug report on the 14.2 Contacts application. The Bug has been submitted to Engineering. Support expects a fix but cannot say which release. I explained there are numerous BUGGED users in the Apple Community.
And as the user has already stated, it is unknown as to when and with which build version Apple would release a fix. Take this info with a pinch of salt though, as there were no means of verifying it.
It also unclear if the soon-to-release iOS 14.3 update will acknowledge the issue. The build is currently in beta and while a user did say that the update fixed the issue for them, another user quashed the claim by saying that they continue to face it.
For now, there is not really much that can be done about the matter apart from waiting for a fix. You can also try the set of general fixes provided by a mod here.
Hopefully, Apple will acknowledge the “No members” issue in iOS 14.2 contact groups soon. You can check out our dedicated iOS/iPadOS bug tracker in the time being for further coverage on issues like these.
Update 1 (December 21)
03:30 pm (IST): As we expected, the iOS 14.3 update does fix the issue wherein contact groups failed to display members when composing a message as per the official changelog.
We’ve shared part of the changelog below which highlights all the bugs and issues that are fixed with iOS 14.3 including the missing members in contact groups.
– Some MMS messages may not be received
– Some Messages notifications may not be received
– Contact groups failed to display members when composing a message
– Some videos would not appear correctly when shared from the Photos app
– App folders may fail to open
– Spotlight search results, and opening apps from Spotlight may not work
– Bluetooth could be unavailable in Settings
– Devices could be prevented from charging wirelessly
– MagSafe Duo Charger could wirelessly charge your iPhone at less than the maximum power
– Wireless accessories and peripherals using the WAC protocol could fail to complete setup
– The keyboard would dismiss when adding a list in Reminders while using VoiceOver
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