In the release notes accompanying last week’s MIUI 12 beta 20.6.19 update, Xiaomi revealed that the Redmi Note 8 Android 10 update had been released but then quickly suspended after major bugs were discovered in the initial firmware.

The update had been pushed (internally) to the Redmi Note 8 the week before, but there was no mention of the specific bugs that forced the company to halt the rollout of a software update that many have been eager to get their hands on.

Xiaomi has in the past hinted that the Redmi Note 8 Android 10 update will bundle the latest MIUI 12 skin on top. The fact that the suspended Android 10 update for the device was based on MIUI 12 says it all, but until then, we wait.

While waiting, Xiaomi has something for you – the latest June 2020 security patch. Yeah, this one has nothing to do with Android 10 nor MIUI 12. Instead, it is yet another MIUI 11 update based on Android 9 Pie.


The update is arriving as MIUI, up from V11.0.4.0.PCOIDXM and weighs in at over 300MB. The OTA is live in Indonesia, as seen in the screengrab above, as well as in China as version V11.0.7.0.PCOCNXM.

The story is more of the same with respect to the Redmi Note 8T. The device, like its counterpart, is now receiving the June 2020 security update sans Android 10/MIUI 12. The airborne software is arriving as MIUI, up from version and weighs in at close to 400MB.


As per the official announcement post above, this update is available in Russia and is expected to spread to other regions soon. This could mean the wait for Android 10 and MIUI 12 to arrive could take a little longer than expected, but hey, we don’t make the rules.

It may take days before every Redmi Note 8 and Note 8T units eligible for these updates receive their OTA download notifications. Rather than wait, we have the links to download the updated firmware files and install them on the respective device manually.

  • Device: Redmi Note 8
  • Codename: ginkgo
  • Version:
  • Android: 9
    • Type: Recovery
      • Download: Indonesia ROM
      • MD5: 7bea099035f6303893188c21b474d461
      • Download: China ROM
      • MD5: 103aa0209f965508ef40b5f967189b43
  • Device: Redmi Note 8T
  • Codename: willow
  • Version:
  • Android: 9
    • Type: Recovery
      • Download: Link
      • MD5: 76e30109042acd5368f5d551dd4b66d7

Both the Redmi Note 8 and 8T are expected to receive the MIUI 12 update in phase 2 of the rollout that begins in July. As for Android 10, this should be their one and only major OS upgrade.

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Hillary Keverenge
2238 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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