Asus is said to be lining up the launch of two brand new flagship phones in the coming weeks. The ZenFone 7 has been touted and so has the ROG Phone 3, but details of the ZenFone Max Pro M2 successor have remained scarce.

Considering the significant success of the ZenFone Max series, no one expected Asus to take this long before refreshing the lineup. But hey, we don’t make the rules, so we make do with what we have.

The ZenFone Max Pro M2 is the latest in the series and undoubtedly one of the best budget phones on the market more than a year down the line. However, Asus has been frustrating device owners with the ongoing Android 10 update saga.

Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2

For months now, the ZenFone Max Pro M2 Android 10 update has been in beta. Asus isn’t showing any signs of rolling out the stable update anytime soon, something that isn’t helped by the incoming Android Pie-based April security patch for this handset.

Arriving as version 17.2018.2004.424, the update is for the WW SKU and besides installing the relatively new April patch, you also get plenty of bug fixes and performance enhancements.


One nagging issue that has now been addressed is Widevine L1 certification for streaming HD content on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and other platforms. Below is a summary of the changes included in the rolling-out ZenFone Max Pro M2 Pie-based update.

– Updated Android security patch to April
– Fixed video EIS anti-shake function not working issue
– Fixed screen unlock sound not working issue
– Improved sound quality of headphones
– Fixed wallpaper image automatically stretched issue
– Fixed widevine security level changed from L1 to L3 issue
– Fixed recieveing call ringtone broken issue when the ringtone volume is set to maximum
– Fixed front camera TAE (touch exposure) not working issue
– Improved video recording quality
– Improved the outdoor temperature of selfie color

The update may take a few days before hitting all ZenFone Max Pro M2 units. Also, the fact that a Pie-based update is rolling out to the handset at this point in time suggests the wait for Android 10 to roll out is set to go on. Until when no one knows!

In case you didn’t know, the ZenFone Max Pro M2 Android 10 update will be the last major OS upgrade for the handset. If interested in the Asus Android 11 update, check out our coverage here.

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Hillary Keverenge
2238 Posts

Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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