Google pulled the curtains from its much-awaited Android 10 OS back in September 2019. Since then all major OEMs are working their best in rolling out the latest Android 10 update for their devices.

However, not all OEMs have been successful until now, in delivering the stable Android 10 update for their devices. Some have received the update and others are in the pipeline.

Realme, the Chinese smartphone brand that has seen one of its best years in the smartphone market especially in India back in 2019, was among the first few OEMs to come up with the Android 10 roadmap.


While talks of updating the phones to Android 10 update is still pretty hot, Realme has some other plans on their hands. In a recent twitter response, CMO of Realme India confirmed that Realme X and Pro series devices will be getting two major updates.

In an official response by Francis Wang (CMO Realme India), when asked whether Realme X2 will be getting only one Android OS update as per the latest #AskMadhav episode 14, Wang tweeted:

That is saying one Major update at least, because we missed realme 1, c1 and u1. But it is not a common practise for every phone. X series will be definetly getting 2 Major update


realme x2 android 11
Realme X2 to get two major Android OS updates

While in another response, when a user asked why only X series is getting this treatment and why not the Pro series as well, Wang responded:

Haha. Ok ok. Agree. Confirmed for Pro series. We try our best not to miss any.


realme pro series android r

Now, going as per the actual Android updates, Realme X2 came with Android 9 Pie out of the box and is awaiting Android 10 update. While the Realme Pro series for instance Realme X2 Pro is due to get Android 10 later this year.

realme X2PRO
Realme X2 Pro: A true flagship

All this means that these devices will be entitled to one more major Android OS update, which could be the Android R/11. However, as there are no news about the Android 11/R, every information should be taken with a pinch of salt.

We will keep you in the loop until we have more information in this regard. In the meantime do check out our dedicated Realme section to read more similar stories surrounding Realme devices.

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Sagar Naresh
989 Posts

A Six Sigma and Google Certified Digital Marketer who also holds an MBA degree in Finance and Marketing. A technology and automobile enthusiast who likes to play guitar, travel, and relax. Entrepreneur and Blogger.

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