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Original story (from Jan 23) follows:

Google has just teased the announcement of its annual Google I/O 2020 event in a tweet. Like past few years, it is also a puzzle. Google has tweeted it from its official developers twitter account. Below is the screenshot of the tweet.


In the tweet, it has a link to its puzzle type game. You can try to play this game and solve the hidden date of the Google I/O event. Here is the link.

At the Google annual conference, its executives announce various products and services. It also highlights the new improvements and features for the next version of Android. The previous year, google ditched the dessert naming scheme for its Android versions and called it simply as Android 10.

Although internally and in beta builds Google still calls the next major Android update as Android R, but it may change to Android 11 at its official stable launch. Anyway, do you know what is the meaning behind I/O. Well here is an interesting revelation, I/O stands for input/output. It is also a slogan for “Innovation in the Open”.

Update 1 (Jan 24)

Aaand the date has been revealed by Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Cosmos aligned. We’ll be back at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View for this year’s #GoogleIO on May 12-14!

Story credits: Ali Noor

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