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Original story (from Dec 31) follows:

Gone are the days when Google Pixel phones led others in terms of timely monthly security updates. Sure, the current crop of Pixels still gets these updates on time, but lately, Samsung is redefining what it means to roll out timely monthly patches.

For several months running, the Korean company has managed to bring forth the new month’s security patches to several of its devices even before the end of the current month.

The latest case in point is the January 2020 security update, where the Galaxy S9 was the first to get it, mark this, on December 19 as part of the One UI 2.0 beta 3 update.

samsung galaxy s9 one ui 2.0 beta 3 january patch
Galaxy S9 One UI 2.0 beta 3 came with January 2020 security update

A week or so later, the same update was made available for owners of the Galaxy Tab S5e and the entry-level Galaxy A50. The latter has been the recipient of such early releases over the last couple or so months.

It’s a good thing to see the world’s leading smartphone vendor stepping up its software updates game. But while this is happening, it hasn’t been rosy in the Google Pixel camp as far as timely software updates are concerned.

Both November and December security patches delayed arriving on Google Pixel phones. Sure, the company is still sticking with its schedule of releasing security updates on the first Monday of every month, but some people have had to wait for days or even weeks to receive the update after it was released.

Google Pixels December update delayed

Given that this has been the case over the past two months, it’s easy to argue that the story will be the same with January 2020 security patches. But we cannot be sure just yet.

What seems certain, though, is that Google will stick to its plan and begin rolling out the January 2020 security update next Monday, January 6 (the first Monday of January 2020).

This has been confirmed by Rogers Canada, further suggesting that this time, even the Pixel 4 security update won’t delay like last time out.

Rogers Canada January 2020 security update schedule (Source)

Again, you cannot be sure about these dates or rather if your Google Pixel 2 or Pixel 4 phone will get the update on the promised date. What you can rest assured, though, is that the January 2020 security update won’t be available for the original Pixels.

Update 1 (Jan 07)

The January security patch is now hitting the Pixel devices.

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Hillary Keverenge
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Tech has been my playground for over a decade. While the Android journey began early, it truly took flight with the revolutionary Lollipop update. Since then, it's been a parade of Android devices (with a sprinkle of iOS), culminating in a mostly happy marriage with Google's smart home ecosystem. Expect insightful articles and explorations of the ever-evolving world of Android and Google products coupled with occasional rants on the Nest smart home ecosystem.

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