It’s nearly impossible for anyone to refrain from using at least a single Google product. Starting from email to smartphones, they have hundreds of gadgets and services out there. As you know, Chrome is their in-house web browser.

Take any gadget from the Mountain View tech titan and you can see Google Chrome as the default option for surfing the web. Even on iOS and macOS, people tend to lean towards it rather than on the built-in app (Safari).

Safari interface
Safari interface (Click/tap to zoom)

In case you don’t know, Google releases Chrome updates in four channels, public, beta, canary, and dev. The features find its way to the public build only after going through the other three. And, this practice helps them keep the number of bugs as minimum as possible.

Nonetheless, every now and then we see issues sneaking into the browser. To recall, it’s only recently that we reported Chrome 79 crashing on NOD32 installed Linux systems. With the previous version, there was a bug that changed profile/people names without consent

Chrome profile-people name

The latest version seems to have solved the renaming bug. However, it has brought other two issues to the table. The first is not allowing the users to see the list of profiles in the alphabetical manner (or in any specific order at all). You can have a look at a user concern below.

How to sort the Profile/Persons menu?
With the latest Chrome update (Version 79.0.3945.88), the various profiles that I’ve setup in the Persons menu no longer sorted alphabetically. What criteria is the criteria used and how can I change the sort order? Thanks!

Interestingly, you won’t experience it if you disable chrome://flags/#profile-menu-revamp flag. Oddly enough, it will bring yourself to the previous renaming bug. So yeah, the revamped profile menu pretty much messed up the user experience.

The next one that crept into the latest update never let the user switch between different profiles via keyboard shortcut (command/Ctrl + Shift + M+ down arrow). Then again, turning off the previously stated revamp flag would solve it.

Chrome 79 profile popup

So yeah, the implementation of the new profile menu reportedly affects the sorting as well as the keyboard shortcut. You can’t reproduce these issues on Chrome 78 because the specific flag isn’t active by default. It’s the other way around with version 79.

On the Chromium bugs forum, Google has acknowledged the shortcut issue on macOS. But, it isn’t exclusive to one particular platform though. Meanwhile, we have to wait for them to rollout the fix.

Note:- Have a look at our Google section for similar stories.

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Rahul Krishnan
282 Posts

Rahul Krishnan, a wordsmith from Kerala, India is always in lookout for his next article idea. He is a fanatic reader. And, the rumour is that his mom has recently hidden his debit card so that he won't buy books anymore. She doesn't know he has a spare one.

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