There is this one time you might need to access a file you have on your personal computer back at home while on the road or at work. When such a time comes, Google has a handy application it calls Chrome Remote Desktop that does exactly that.
Using Chrome Remote Desktop, you can easily access the computer in your home remotely using your smartphone, tablet or even another computer at work as long as there is a reliable internet connection.
To make all the magic possible, you’ll need to link your Google account to the service and of course, set up a password for the account. Once done, the PC on which you set up the application will be able to share the screen over the Internet.

When you sign in to the same Chrome Remote Desktop account from your phone or another computer for that matter, the screen of your PC will be mirrored to the device at hand, thus literally handing you access to files miles away from you.
A pretty cool feature if you ask me, but as usual, issues are bound to pop up from time to time and apparently, such times are now facing users of the Chrome Remote Desktop service, who are reporting that the application doesn’t get beyond the “starting” stage.
Chrome remote desktop (web version) is stuck on starting. It can access other shared computers. Just not starting up on this one. Any suggestions?
I am having the same problem. It will intermittently drop connection and say I’m offline, when I’m online. Once that happens, only uninstalling seems to work. I’ve tried to re-register the host (deleting the current remote access PC, and turning it back on again). But that doesn’t work at all, and then it gets stuck on “starting”. This is very frustrating, as I have a toddler at home. We keep the keyboard and mouse put away, and using remote access has been wonderful to not have to get everything out and put it away every time (FWP, amiright?). I’m hoping for a resolution to this, BESIDES having to uninstall and reinstall every. stinking. time.
Matter of fact, this issue has been around for several months now and it’s strange that Google hasn’t picked it up and addressed it. There are hundreds of affected users in the Google support forums venting their anger at the big G, but no response up to date.
Apparently, uninstalling and re-installing Chrome Remote Desktop for Web fixes the issue for some, but for others, the solution is shortlived.

It’s unclear what could be behind the bug, but clearly, its something that requires Google’s attention and hopefully, a software update will be pushed to address the issue soon.
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